You can go ahead fill in this section with a welcome text or maybe a small profile. Maybe you can turn this into a headline section. Whatever you want to do with it you can. I would just like to remind you that this section does start to scroll after 86px has been filled with text or whatever you put in here. So go wild!
You can put a chatboard here or something similar. If you do put a chatboard here, I would recommend greatly that the size is exactly 134 x 85px. That prevents the stretching and makes things remain even.
I want to reconcile the violence in your heart,
I want to recognize your beauty is not just a mask,
I want to exorcise the demons of your past,
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart.

I know what I want to do, I know how I can do it, I know why I should do it, and I know where I can do it.

But you don't allow me to and that restricts me. Never mind, I'll adapt. I am after all, a living breathing thing that reacts to changes- albeit reluctantly sometimes.

So much loneliness met so suddenly in such an unlikely place. And conversations sprung up. Ooh now I'll feel like babbling every time I come online. You learn so many things from people so different. But it's obvious we all like to talk about ourselves.
