You can go ahead fill in this section with a welcome text or maybe a small profile. Maybe you can turn this into a headline section. Whatever you want to do with it you can. I would just like to remind you that this section does start to scroll after 86px has been filled with text or whatever you put in here. So go wild!
You can put a chatboard here or something similar. If you do put a chatboard here, I would recommend greatly that the size is exactly 134 x 85px. That prevents the stretching and makes things remain even.
He lived with this festering inside of himself, eating his heart away. For it was not like "divine love", which is a pretty impersonal affection for humanity in general.

This was the doomed, obsessive, pathological kind. 
It's nice how Spidey has this Spidey sense thing. It makes him feminine.

: /

Let's post about an outrageous topic that will get the pots and rooster clucking.
If David is a nihillist and Kyx is a hedonist, wouldn't they be the negative and positive  sides charges of a magnet views in Rooster's mother's head ? A black to a white(non-related to physics), the t-shirt to that shorts, the sun to the moon, the Northies to the Southies. The no-life skeptic to the self-indulgent emo.

Opposites attract.